Monday, December 26, 2016

The Weary World Rejoices!

Hello, Everybody!

Hope you had a very Happy Christmas! It was a very merry Christmas in my corner of the book world! Let's keep the love and merriment going this last week of 2016.

Whatever your Christmas weekend was like, don't forget to remember the God has already given us the best gift we will ever receive: eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ! May this love fill you with hope and believe in the future God has for you.

Let your actions and words be love-filled. Remember to think about the people around you who may need an extra cheery "Hello!" or who may be dealing with the loss of a loved one! Just spread love.
My sweet Merry had plenty of cuddles all Christmas
The Falcons won their division title on Christmas Eve. Go Falcons!

With a mug of homemade hot chocolate with peppermint marshmallows, you can't go wrong.

Whatever the next day, year brings, don't stop believing in God, in yourself, in your dreams, in the magic of life.

Caitlin A.