Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What's Stopping You???


Hope the week is going well for you so far. 
While washing dishes this morning after a yum breakfast of pancakes and turkey bacon, riskiness came to mind. Yes, very odd thought for washing dishes. Probably thought about it because I was risking getting the electric outlet wet when washing the electric griddle. ANYWAYS, it got me to thinking the risks I have taken in life and the ones I have NOT taken...but I think you should focus more on what you have done and not what you should have done. Learn and move on!

“Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is.” - Will Rogers

Growing up I was not much of a risk taker at all (I left that up to other siblings), but when I turned eighteen something clicked. I realized the teen years were not going to last forever and the risk taking needed to be stepped up! I started college with no idea, what I'd be doing when it was over. The next year, a few days after my nineteenth birthday and a few months after I had started college, the idea of Purple Butterfly Pages was alive. 

I faced fears of inexperience, rejection, and failure. BUT I worked hard anyway making phone calls, meeting new people,  doing what I knew I could do and stretching myself to do what I knew I couldn't do.  It is very true, the saying, "No risk, no reward"! I have grown and continue to grow so much as a person, mentally and spiritually, learning so much from being the owner of Purple Butterfly Pages!
I encourage you to take a risk today. You NEVER know what you are capable of, so find out!

"Do not be too timid and squeamish. ... All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

What's stopping you?

Caitlin :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

From N.C. to G.A.

Hello all!

On this blustery January Monday, I am glad I can stay indoors and enjoy the sunshine. While I am still figuring out this blogging thing, I want to let y'all know a bit more about me and the why and how I got into the book selling business!

A brief background on me (I'll save more extensive details for a later post):  
     Born in North Carolina and moved to Georgia when I was seven-years-old, and after fifteen and a half years here, I definitely consider myself a Georgia Peach. Being the third oldest of ten children, I am part of a big family. After being inspired as an intern at my local Chamber of Commerce when I was fifteen, I pursued an education in the business world and have earned an Associates Degree in Applied Business Technology.

Now here is the how and the why or the why and the how:
     In 2010, my mom's historical-Christian-fiction novel was published by a local book publisher. During that time I had just begun college and LOVING my business classes (which came with great teachers), so I decided to start my own business SELLING my mom's book. In July 2010, Purple Butterfly Pages was born! I created a website; ordered books; began setting up book signings at festivals and book stores; speaking engagements at churches; and it has grown from there. In 2011, the local publishing experience ended adversely leaving an amazing story without a publisher and without readers. SO, I ventured into the book publishing industry having published my first ebook, 'Their Inheritance', to amazon.com in September 2013. That's the short and sweet, my friends!!

Stay warm!

Caitlin :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello All!

Well, hello all!

Welcome to the 2014 blog of Purple Butterfly Pages. Caitlin here. I am the owner at Purple Butterfly Pages and Purple Butterfly Publications! I will be blogging about what is new with Purple Butterfly Pages AND Purple Butterfly Publications as well as other randomness that comes around.

Although Purple Butterfly Pages has been in business since 2010, I just graduated college last semester.  Yes, I was nineteen when I started my own business. It has been quite the journey! I have learned so much about the industry and business since then, and I continue to learn everyday. I love meeting new people and finding the best qualities in my products to promote. I strive to meet the needs of the people through answered questions and with a smile.

Follow my blog and learn what it has been like being a college student and business owner!