Thursday, April 21, 2016

Exercise Your Mind. Read!

Hello, Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful and hopeful spring. It has been awhile since I updated you all on what is new at Purple Butterfly Publications.

Did you know there is a Summer Reading Program for ADULTS starting this May! If you do not live in Toccoa, there is a good chance this is happening at your local library as well. Anyone over the age of nineteen years-old can register for the summer reading program. Each book you read counts as an entry to win the GRAND PRIZE Basket that the Toccoa-Stephens County Public Library will be giving away at the end of the program. Hard copy books, ebooks, and audio books are all included as part of the program and count as entries! There is no minimum or maximum amount of books you need to read to take part of the program.

When Toccoa-Stephens County Public Library's Adult Program Coordinator, Sarah Edmonds, asked me to be a part of the library's first ever Adult Summer Reading Program, I was SO excited! I am happy to encourage reading and community involvement by partnering with the Toccoa-Stephens County Public Library this summer. This summer's theme is "Exercise Your Mind. Read!" to encourage health and fitness in your community.

As Proprietor & Publisher at Purple Butterfly Publications, I am proud to have added a copy of PBP's featured ebook, Their Inheritance, to the Grand Prize Basket which will be given away at the end of the Summer Reading Program!!!

I will personally be taking part in this program. It is the challenge I need to make more time for reading. I am now taking reading suggestions*. I will keep you updated on what I am reading once the program gets started in May!

*Leave book suggestions in the comments below.

Who says the reading programs at the library have to be just for kids? Join me this summer and let's get our reading on!!!!

Caitlin Ayers